Using the Common knowledge Construction model to develop story writing skills among middle school students

Document Type : Original research article


1 Researcher/Master of Curricula and Methods of Teaching Arabic Language - Girls' College of Arts, Sciences and Education - Ain Shams University

2 Assistant Professor of Curricula and Methods of Teaching Arabic Language - Faculty of women - Ain Shams University

3 Lecturer of Curricula and Methods of Teaching Arabic Language - Faculty of women - Ain Shams University


This research aims to develop story writing skills among middle school students, according to the Common knowledge Construction model, and measure its effectiveness in developing story writing skills among middle school students.
The problem of this research was identified in the weakness of story writing skills among middle school students, and the lack of new models for developing story writing skills, including the Common knowledge Construction model To reach a solution to this problem, this research proceeded according to a set of steps, perhaps the most important of which are: building a list of story writing skills appropriate for second-year middle school students, defining the foundations of the model for building shared knowledge, its stages, goals, the content to be taught (social stories), and educational activities and methods. used, methods of evaluating it, and measuring its effectiveness in developing students’ story writing skills, by constructing a test to measure story writing skills, applying the test to the previously selected group, after which the Common knowledge Construction model was applied to the selected experimental group, and then the test was re-applied. Dimensionally on the selected group.
After statistical treatment of the scores of the pre- and post-applications, a number of results were reached, perhaps the most important of which is: the effectiveness of using the Common knowledge Construction model in developing the story writing skills of the research group.
In the end, the research presented a number of recommendations and proposals in light of the results reached.
