Building an executive strategy to employ the principles of inclusive education and measuring its effectiveness according to the standards of the American experience

Document Type : Original research article


Doctorate in Philosophy of Special Education at Arab American University


The study aimed to develop an executive strategy for implementing the principles of higher education and measuring its effectiveness according to American standards of experience. It also aimed to assess the degree of implementing these principles based on American standards of experience. The researcher utilized a self-designed questionnaire to collect data, and to achieve the study's objectives, a quantitative approach was employed. This approach relied on the deployment of a questionnaire measuring the implementation of higher education principles. Additionally, an analytical method was used to analyze the opinions of university education officials and construct the strategy. The study was conducted on a sample consisting of all members of the original community due to their relatively small size, totaling 264 individuals. Among them were 187 teachers, 60 university education counselors, and 17 special education supervisors, according to the statistics of the Palestinian Ministry of Education for the year 2022-2023. The sample was randomly selected. The study reached several key findings, including the high level of implementing the principles of higher education according to American standards of experience among school principals. Moreover, there were no significant differences in the mean scores of the study sample regarding the overall degree of implementing these principles. The study also identified that the obstacles to implementing the principles of higher education according to American standards of experience among counselors were of moderate level. Based on the study's results, the researcher proposed an executive strategy and practical guidelines to overcome the obstacles hindering the application of the higher education policy."
