Manuscripts which has been previously published or accepted for publication will not be considered for publication in the journal.
The manuscript should follow the author's guidelines of the journal.
Manuscripts are submitted through the manuscript submission system.
Initial editor screening is carried out by the editor upon receiving the submitted manuscript to ensure its alignment with the journal's scope and priority. A format check is also done at this stage.
Manuscripts approved by initial screening are then subjected to plagiarism check.
Checked manuscripts that conform to plagiarism regulations then undergo rigorous peer review by reviewers who are experts in the subject area. The refereeing process is anonymous as the journal follows a double-blind reviewing procedure. A third reviewer might be invited on the occasion of conflicting opinions of the two original reviewers.
The editor evaluates the recommendation of the reviewers and notifies the author of the manuscript status. The manuscript may be:
- Accepted for publication without changes.
- Accepted for publication with minor changes, with no re-review necessary.
- Accepted for publication with major changes, and additional review.
- Rejected.
Accepted manuscripts are subjected to check by language editors, where language editing might further be needed.
The review process shall ensure that all authors have equal opportunity for publication of their articles. The whole review process lasts approximately six weeks.
Publication fees: Fixed fees per manuscript are paid upon receiving the approval of publishing (1200 EGP).