Psychological flow and its relationship to quality of life among students of the Faculty of Fine Arts

Document Type : Original research article


1 Master's Researcher - Department of Psychology - Girls' College of Arts, Sciences and Education

2 Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology - Girls' College of Arts, Sciences and Education - Ain Shams University

3 Lecturer of Psychology - Girls' College of Arts, Sciences and Education - Ain Shams University


This research aimed to investigate the relationship between psychological flow and Quality of life among a sample of Fine arts College students, detecting the effect of gender (male - female) and academic specialization (Literary - scientific) on the psychological flow and quality of life.
For this purpose the researcher constructed two scales to measure the psychological flow and Quality of life and distributed at a sample consisted of 207 students joining scientific and Literary sections, and their ages ranged from 19 to 22.
Results of the study showed the following:
There is a statistically significant positive relationship (p = <.01) among the scores of the sample on the psychological flow scale and their scores on the Quality of life scale  dimensions  except for "awareness action with Quality of family life, Clear goals with Quality of physical life, Concentration on the task with Quality of family life, Sense of control with Quality of physical and family life, Transformation time with Quality of family, social and educational life and total".
There were no statistically significant differences in the psychological flow scale as a total and its dimensions attributed to gender.
There were no statistically significant differences in the quality of life scale as a total and its dimensions attributed to gender.
"There were no statistically significant differences in the psychological flow scale as a total and its dimensions attributed to specialization (literary Vs Scientific) except for "self-enjoyment and awareness action" dimension where difference (p = <.05) were on favor of scientific specialization.
"There were no statistically significant differences in the quality of life scale as a total and dimensions attributed to specialization (literary Vs Scientific).
