A proposed strategy based on the aesthetic approach to the development of literary taste skills among students in the preparatory stage

Document Type : Original research article


1 Master (Degree) – Curricula and Methods of Teaching Department - Faculty of Women for Art , Science & Edu- Ain Shams University

2 Professor of Curricula and Methods of Teaching Department - Faculty of Women for Art , Science & Edu - Ain Shams University

3 Lecturer of Curricula and Methods of Teaching Department - Faculty of Women for Art , Science & Edu - Ain Shams University


The aim of the current research is to reveal the effectiveness of using the aesthetic approach in developing some literary appreciation skills among first year middle school students. The research group was chosen from first year middle school students, and it consisted of (60) female students at the Martyr Muhammad Ashraf Abdel Fattah School, and they were divided into Two groups: one experimental and the other control, and the number of each group reached (30) students. The research followed the descriptive analytical approach in relation to defining literary appreciation, its concept, its importance, skills, the aesthetic approach, its concept, and its foundations, its relationship to literary appreciation and its relationship to the preparatory stage, and preparing a tool. Research, interpretation and discussion of the results, and the experimental approach related to the research experiment and controlling its variables. The design of two independent groups was used. A list of literary appreciation skills, a teacher’s guide, student activity sheets, and a test to measure literary appreciation skills were also prepared. The research found that there were statistically significant differences between the average grades of the experimental group’s students and the grades of the control group’s students in the post-application of the literary appreciation test as a whole and each skill. main separately in favor of the experimental group, and the presence of statistically significant differences between the average scores of the students of the experimental group in the pre- and post-applications of the literary appreciation test as a whole and each main skill separately in favor of the post-application; Which indicates the effectiveness of the proposed strategy based on the aesthetic approach in developing literary appreciation skills among first-year middle school students through the literary texts prescribed in the Arabic language curriculum for the first year of middle school. The research also recommends preparing study units in the Arabic language curricula and teaching them using the proposed strategy for learners in various educational stages; Which makes the study material more lively, active, and effective, and avoids the stagnation of silent information.
